
How Much Should You Charge to Mix and Master a Song? : Audio Issues

So… you’ve mastered the art of mixing and producing music, and you can’t wait to take on new clients so you can finally use all your new gear. But one question eludes you:

“How much should I charge to mix a song?”

The article from Audio Issues, titled “How Much Should You Charge to Mix and Master a Song?” by Björgvin Benediktsson, offers comprehensive guidance for music producers and engineers on pricing their mixing and mastering services. Here’s a summary of the key points:

Understanding Your Costs

  1. Equipment and Software Investment: Consider the cost, maintenance, and future upgrades of your gear and software.
  2. Studio Space Considerations: Factor in rent, utilities, insurance, and improvements to your studio space.
  3. Time Investment: Value the time spent on mixing, client communication, revisions, and administrative work.
  4. Continuous Education and Skill Development: Account for the cost of workshops, courses, and learning new techniques.
  5. Miscellaneous Expenses: Include marketing, utilities, insurance, and other unforeseen expenses in your pricing strategy.

Pricing Strategies

  1. Know Your Expenses: Calculate your total expenses to determine the minimum you need to charge to be profitable.
  2. Competitor Analysis: Understand the going rates in your economic area but avoid directly comparing with lower-cost regions.
  3. Avoid Undercutting the Competition: Charging too low can attract difficult clients and undervalue your work.
  4. Reverse-Engineer Your Rate: Determine your needed income and divide it by your available working hours or number of clients.

Different Pricing Models

  1. Hourly Rate: Useful for undefined or variable-scope projects.
  2. Project-Based Value Pricing: Set a flat fee for the entire project, considering its complexity and scope.
  3. Retainer or Package Deals: Offer pre-paid services over a period or bundled services at a discounted rate.
  4. Royalty or Revenue Share Agreements: Consider sharing the revenue from the music you produce, suitable for projects with high success potential.
  5. Hybrid Pricing Models: Combine different pricing strategies, like a base rate with an hourly rate for additional revisions.


The article emphasizes the importance of setting a mutually beneficial price for both the service provider and the client. It encourages considering your economic situation, client needs, and market rates to determine the right pricing strategy.

Source: How Much Should You Charge to Mix and Master a Song? : Audio Issues

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